Learn how to make this yummy eggnog chai latte at home! This recipe is SO easy. If you can boil water, then you can make this amazing eggnog chai latte! Plus it’s 66 calories and tastes even better than Starbucks!


BEST EVER Easy Healthy Homemade Copycat Starbucks Eggnog Chai Latte

Every time my mom visits and stays with me for a few days, she wakes up before me. She quietly slips out the front door, my spare key in hand, and runs around the neighborhood, sometimes before the sun even starts to peek over the horizon.

Most mornings, Mom ends her workout by jogging up a massively steep hill, where the road leads to a modest shopping center with a supermarket, a hardware store, two banks, lots of restaurants, and… A Starbucks.

BEST EVER Easy Healthy Low Calorie Copycat Starbucks Eggnog Chai Latte

She orders the same drink every time: an almond milk (or nonfat!) chai latte with no water (so it doesn’t dilute the cozy spice flavor!). Although my dad always starts his days with really strong black coffee, Mom dislikes coffee’s taste and sticks with tea… But she does enjoy the rich coffee aroma inside of Starbucks!

Her steaming mug of chai in hand, she walks back to my house slowly savoring her favorite hot beverage, and she even somehow manages to shower before most people’s alarm clocks ring. She loves those peaceful moments in the morning!

BEST EVER Easy Healthy Vegan Gluten Free Homemade Eggnog Chai Latte

Since my family is spending Christmas down in Southern California with me, I thought I’d surprise my mom with this Healthy Eggnog Chai Latte one morning during their visit! Eggnog is her favorite holiday drink, and since she loves sprinkling it with a little nutmeg, I thought its flavor would pair perfectly with cozy chai spices.

Thankfully… I was right! This healthy eggnog chai latte turned out so well that I even whipped one up for myself! Even better? It’s so easy to make, ready in just a few minutes, and 66 calories!

Continue reading & see the rest! ›› Healthy Eggnog Chai Latte

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