Happy August! My July break absolutely flew by… And I didn’t bake a single thing all month. Not one.
Crazy, right??
I think this is the longest I’ve gone without baking anything since… Hmm… My freshman year of college when I lived in the dorms and didn’t have my own kitchen??
However… I was just so busy doing other things! I went to a musical with my grandma and her best friend, celebrated my belated birthday with them too (which included an incredibly decadent chocolate cake from a local bakery!), replanted herbs in my little garden, and had a lovely virtual coffee date with one of my best friends from high school.
And speaking of coffee dates…
Let’s pretend you and I are having one! Because I’m itching to tell you all about my extra special vacation with my mom.
So grab some coffee or tea (iced or hot, I won’t judge!), and I’ll spill all the details!
Continue reading & see the rest! ›› So… This happened in July…