Throughout my childhood, Mom always kept at least one or two tubs of ice cream in our freezer for my brother and me to enjoy as dessert after dinner. We usually asked for our scoops served in our plastic cereal bowls with straws built into the sides, which let us slurp up any ice cream that melted faster than we could eat it.
Mom often opted for flavors like vanilla bean and mint chocolate chip (the latter is still her favorite classic flavor!), but every once in a while, she bought cookies ’n cream or chocolate chip cookie dough for us as a special treat. When those two flavors appeared, we started asking for ice cream as an afternoon snack too… Not just as an after dinner dessert!
With those “special” flavors, I ate all of the ice cream first, carefully digging around the chunks of Oreos or cookie dough. As a little girl, I always set aside the “best” parts of my food to enjoy last, which meant I slowly savored the big chocolate cookie pieces and spheres of cookie dough once I had already spooned all of the quickly melting ice cream into my mouth.
While at the grocery store last week, I walked past a mom with her two young kids standing in front of the ice cream selection. She asked them what flavors they wanted, and of course, they picked chocolate chip cookie dough as their first choice.
My own fond childhood memories came flooding back, but in the midst of reflecting, another idea floated through my head.
What other desserts could cookie dough be added to?
Lots of ideas rushed through my mind. Frozen yogurt, truffles (I’ve already done that here!), and…
Brownies. Which resulted in these Healthy Flourless Fudgy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies, of course! They’re extremely rich and decadent, almost like oversized squares of fudge, with spheres of cookie dough liberally sprinkled throughout the batter.
Yet unlike most brownie recipes—and definitely unlike the cookie dough in store-bought ice cream!—these contain no heavy cream or refined sugar… And each brownie is just 84 calories!
Continue reading & see the rest! ›› Healthy Flourless Fudgy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies