Ghirardelli ice cream brownie sundae in California Adventure, Anaheim

Happy {almost} summer! Somehow, Memorial Day usually feels like the unofficial start to summer, even though it doesn’t technically start until June 21. The warmer weather, the longer days, the sunshine, the BBQs, the beach trips, the completely relaxed vibes…  

I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely ready for summer to arrive!

And since I’m already feeling that relaxed vibe after the Monday holiday this week, I thought we could take a momentary break from recipes (don’t worry—I already have a delicious one lined up to send you later this week!) and talk about something unexpected and exciting that recently happened.

So pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea—hot or iced, I won’t judge!—or even a fresh glass of water… And pretend you and I are sitting across from each other at a coffee shop.

Are you ready? Then here we go!

Continue reading & see the rest! ›› Coffee Break

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