Nearly every year, my parents host Christmas at their house. As part of the holiday preparations throughout my childhood and most of college, my brother and I helped put up and decorate their artificial tree with strands of rainbow colored lights and our massive collection of ornaments, always with festive carols playing through the stereo in the background.
On Christmas morning, we all stumbled out to the family room before the sun rose to gather around the tree and open presents. As my brother and I grew older and started sleeping in past 6 am, we pushed back the time by an hour or two (or more!) to let everyone get enough rest, but we always began with the stockings carefully laid out on the fireplace.
We usually found the same things inside our oversized bright red stockings each year, including a calendar and a travel-sized packet of Kleenex. Yet one year, we each pulled out something a little sweeter…
A small box of chocolate truffles! After unwrapping the container and peeking inside, we found three decadent truffles, each a different flavor, varying from purely dark chocolate or peppermint to buttery caramel or chocolate chip cookie dough.
I nearly forgot about opening presents… I was so excited to sample each one!
By the end of the day, nearly everyone’s truffles (not just mine!) had completely disappeared without even a teensy morsel of chocolate left behind on the wrappers. Although they all tasted deliciously sweet and chocolaty, the chocolate chip cookie dough ones were almost everyone’s favorite.
And now, way too many years later, I finally made a healthier version of them with these Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles! With a soft flourless and eggless cookie dough center and a coating of rich dark chocolate, these taste even more decadent than the ones in our stockings that Christmas.
And unlike those originals, these healthy truffles contain no artificial ingredients or added sugar (just lots of indulgent chocolate flavor!), and they’re just 31 calories!
Continue reading & see the rest! ›› Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles