During the winter of my first year of graduate school, I started a new breakfast tradition. Instead of a bowl of my favorite Trader Joe’s granola with cold milk, I switched to hot oatmeal to combat the chilly morning fog on my bike ride to campus.
So early each morning, after a quick workout and hopping out of the shower, I padded into the kitchen to shake out a serving of oats into a bowl, pour water on top, and pop it in the microwave. When the timer dinged, I shook cinnamon over it (usually a little overzealously!), stirred everything together, and sat on the sofa to enjoy my cozy meal.
One day, after running out of time to pack my lunch the night before, I stayed in the kitchen to eat spoonfuls of my warm spiced oatmeal. Once I had squirted mustard onto two slices of whole wheat bread, layered chicken and lettuce on top, and slid my sandwich into a zip-topped bag, I turned to the jumbo bag of baby carrots, grabbing a few handfuls to tuck into my lunch as well.
As I held those sweet veggies in my hand, I caught a whiff of my cinnamon oatmeal, and a light bulb went off in my sleepy mind. “Carrot cake smells just like this…” I thought to myself. “What if I added carrots to my oatmeal tomorrow to make it taste like that dessert??”
The next morning, I practically ran into the kitchen after showering, much more awake and excited compared to the day before. I finely grated a few of those baby carrots into my bowl before slipping it into the microwave, and a few minutes later, after stirring in another generous amount of cinnamon, I took my first bite.
However… There was one downside to my new favorite carrot cake oatmeal breakfast. It wasn’t exactly portable, so I often rushed through eating in order to arrive to my first class with enough time to prepare for my students.
Yet these Healthy Carrot Cake Oatmeal Muffins completely solve that problem! They’re definitely portable, unlike traditional bowls of oatmeal, and they’re also perfect for meal prepping breakfasts and snacks.
Moreover, with all of their cozy spices and sweet carrots, these healthy muffins really do taste just like carrot cake! They’re supremely moist and fluffy, even with no refined flour or sugar, and just 111 calories too!
Continue reading & see the rest! ›› Healthy Carrot Cake Oatmeal Muffins